Toddlers & Teeth

September 10, 2019

It’s never too early to start good oral health routines. Teaching your child proper techniques, using age specific products, and forming good habits at an early age are important for the life of his/her smile.

One question we always get is; “When do I have to bring my child to their first dental visit?” At Clock Tower Dentistry, we like to see children as soon as they have their first tooth in. That 1st appointment helps us provide nutritional counseling to the parents, monitor a child’s dental development, and get the children used to short, easy, and fun appointments. Here are a few pointers to help throughout your child’s dental development:

6 Months – 2 Years

  • Wipe the gums with a moist washcloth after eating to remove plaque and germs.
  • Once the first tooth comes in, make sure to brush twice a day with water and a baby-soft tooth brush.
  • Schedule your first dental appointment before your child’s 1st birthday.

2 – 4 Years

  • Brush 2 times a day for 2 minutes.
  • Use training paste or no paste until your child learns to not swallow the toothpaste.
  • Try to discontinue thumb sucking, pacifier, baby bottle habits no later than 3 years of age to prevent spacing/crowding issues.
  • Schedule your dental exams/cleanings every 6 months.

5 – 7 Years

  • Make sure your child is brushing 2 times a day for 2 minutes.
  • Use a fluoridated children’s paste to help prevent cavities.
  • Begin flossing as soon as any 2 teeth are touching. Help your child floss or use floss holders/picks until dexterity improves.
  • You will want to supervise and help your child brush and floss until their dexterity and technique is good enough to do it alone. We want to encourage kids to be independent and good brushers.

To schedule your child’s dental exam and cleaning, contact your palatine dental office. We’ll give your child a tour of the office, complete an exam and cleaning with you in the room, and show you what we see; all while your child enjoys his/her favorite show on ceiling and wall mounted TVs.

(847) 481-8400